F1 API - fastf1.api



fastf1.api will be considered private in future releases and potentially be removed or changed. Please do not use functionality from fastf1.api. If you currently require functionality from there, please open an issue on Github with details about what you require and why.

A collection of functions to interface with the F1 web api.

fastf1.api.make_path(wname, wdate, sname, sdate)[source]

Create the api path base string to append on livetiming.formula1.com for api requests.

The api path base string changes for every session only.

  • wname – Weekend name (e.g. ‘Italian Grand Prix’)

  • wdate – Weekend date (e.g. ‘2019-09-08’)

  • sname – Session name ‘Qualifying’ or ‘Race’

  • sdate – Session date (formatted as wdate)


relative url path

fastf1.api.timing_data(path, response=None, livedata=None)[source]


fastf1.api will be considered private in future releases and potentially be removed or changed.

Fetch and parse timing data.

Timing data is a mixed stream of information. At a given time a packet of data may indicate position, lap time, speed trap, sector times and so on.

While most of this data can be mapped lap by lap giving a readable and usable data structure (-> laps_data), other entries like position and time gaps are provided on a more frequent time base. Those values are separated and returned as a separate object (-> stream_data).


This function does not actually return “raw” API data. This is because of the need to process a mixed linear data stream into a usable object and because of frequent errors and inaccuracies in said stream. Occasionally an “educated guess” needs to be made for judging whether a value belongs to this lap or to another lap. Additionally, some values which are considered “obviously” wrong are removed from the data. This can happen with or without warnings, depending on the reason and severity.

  • Timestamps (‘SessionTime’) marking start or end of a lap are post-processed as the provided values are inaccurate.

  • Lap and sector times are not modified ever! They are considered as the absolute truth. If necessary, other values are adjusted to fit.

  • path (str) – api path base string (usually Session.api_path)

  • response (Optional[str]) – api response can be passed if data was already downloaded

  • livedata – An instance of fastf1.livetiming.data.LiveTimingData to use as a source instead of the api

Return type:

(DataFrame, DataFrame)


laps_data and stream_data

  • laps_data (DataFrame):

    contains the following columns of data (one row per driver and lap)

    • Time (pandas.Timedelta): Session time at which the lap was set (i.e. finished)

    • LapTime (pandas.Timedelta): Lap time of the last finished lap (the lap in this row)

    • Driver (str): Driver number

    • NumberOfLaps (int): Number of laps driven by this driver including the lap in this row

    • NumberOfPitStops (int): Number of pit stops of this driver

    • PitInTime (pandas.Timedelta): Session time at which the driver entered the pits. Consequently, if this value is not NaT the lap in this row is an inlap.

    • PitOutTime (pandas.Timedelta): Session time at which the driver exited the pits. Consequently, if this value is not NaT, the lap in this row is an outlap.

    • Sector1/2/3Time (pandas.Timedelta): Sector times (one column for each sector time)

    • Sector1/2/3SessionTime (pandas.Timedelta): Session time at which the corresponding sector time was set (one column for each sector’s session time)

    • SpeedI1/I2/FL/ST: Speed trap speeds; FL is speed at the finish line; I1 and I2 are speed traps in sector 1 and 2 respectively; ST maybe a speed trap on the longest straight (?)

  • stream_data (DataFrame):

    contains the following columns of data

    • Time (pandas.Timedelta): Session time at which this sample was created

    • Driver (str): Driver number

    • Position (int): Position in the field

    • GapToLeader (pandas.Timedelta): Time gap to leader in seconds

    • IntervalToPositionAhead (pandas.Timedelta): Time gap to car ahead


SessionNotAvailableError – in case the F1 livetiming api returns no data

fastf1.api.timing_app_data(path, response=None, livedata=None)[source]


fastf1.api will be considered private in future releases and potentially be removed or changed.

Fetch and parse ‘timing app data’.

Timing app data provides the following data channels per sample:
  • LapNumber (float or nan): Current lap number

  • Driver (str): Driver number

  • LapTime (pandas.Timedelta or None): Lap time of last lap

  • Stint (int): Counter for the number of driven stints

  • TotalLaps (float or nan): Total number of laps driven on this set of tires (includes laps driven in other sessions!)

  • Compound (str or None): Tire compound

  • New (bool or None): Whether the tire was new when fitted

  • TyresNotChanged (int or None): ??? Probably a flag to mark pit stops without tire changes

  • Time (pandas.Timedelta): Session time

  • LapFlags (float or nan): ??? unknown

  • LapCountTime (None or ???): ??? unknown; no data

  • StartLaps (float or nan): ??? Tire age when fitted (same as ‘TotalLaps’ in the same sample?!?)

  • Outlap (None or ???): ??? unknown; no data

Only a few values are present per timestamp. Somewhat comprehensive information can therefore only be obtained by aggregating data (usually over the course of one lap). Some values are sent even less frequently (for example ‘Compound’ only after tire changes).

  • path (str) – api path base string (usually Session.api_path)

  • response – Response as returned by fetch_page() can be passed if it was downloaded already.

  • livedata – An instance of fastf1.livetiming.data.LiveTimingData to use as a source instead of the api


A DataFrame containing one column for each data channel listed above.


SessionNotAvailableError – in case the F1 livetiming api returns no data

fastf1.api.car_data(path, response=None, livedata=None)[source]


fastf1.api will be considered private in future releases and potentially be removed or changed.

Fetch and parse car data.

Car data provides the following data channels per sample:
  • Time (pandas.Timedelta): session timestamp (time only); inaccurate, has duplicate values; use Date instead

  • Date (pandas.Timestamp): timestamp for this sample as Date + Time; more or less exact

  • Speed (int): Km/h

  • RPM (int)

  • Gear (int): [called ‘nGear’ in the data!]

  • Throttle (int): 0-100%

  • Brake (bool)

  • DRS (int): 0-14 (Odd DRS is Disabled, Even DRS is Enabled?) (More Research Needed?)

    • 0 = Off

    • 1 = Off

    • 2 = (?)

    • 3 = (?)

    • 8 = Detected, Eligible once in Activation Zone (Noted Sometimes)

    • 10 = On (Unknown Distinction)

    • 12 = On (Unknown Distinction)

    • 14 = On (Unknown Distinction)

  • Source (str): Indicates the source of a sample; ‘car’ for all values here

The data stream has a sample rate of (usually) 240ms. The samples from the data streams for position data and car data do not line up. Resampling/interpolation is required to merge them.

  • path (str) – api path base string (usually Session.api_path)

  • response – Response as returned by fetch_page() can be passed if it was downloaded already.

  • livedata – An instance of fastf1.livetiming.data.LiveTimingData to use as a source instead of the api


A dictionary containing one pandas DataFrame per driver. Dictionary keys are the driver’s numbers as string (e.g. ‘16’). You should never assume that a number exists!
Each dataframe contains one column for each data channel as listed above


SessionNotAvailableError – in case the F1 livetiming api returns no data

fastf1.api.position_data(path, response=None, livedata=None)[source]


fastf1.api will be considered private in future releases and potentially be removed or changed.

Fetch and parse position data.

Position data provides the following data channels per sample:
  • Time (pandas.Timedelta): session timestamp (time only); inaccurate, has duplicate values; use Date instead

  • Date (pandas.Timestamp): timestamp for this sample as Date + Time; more or less exact

  • Status (str): ‘OnTrack’ or ‘OffTrack’

  • X, Y, Z (int): Position coordinates; starting from 2020 the coordinates are given in 1/10 meter

  • Source (str): Indicates the source of a sample; ‘pos’ for all values here

The data stream has a sample rate of (usually) 220ms. The samples from the data streams for position data and car data do not line up. Resampling/interpolation is required to merge them.

  • path (str) – api path base string (usually Session.api_path)

  • response – Response as returned by fetch_page() can be passed if it was downloaded already.

  • livedata – An instance of fastf1.livetiming.data.LiveTimingData to use as a source instead of the api


A dictionary containing one pandas DataFrame per driver. Dictionary keys are the driver’s numbers as string (e.g. ‘16’). You should never assume that a number exists!
Each dataframe contains one column for each data channel as listed above


SessionNotAvailableError – in case the F1 livetiming api returns no data

fastf1.api.track_status_data(path, response=None, livedata=None)[source]


fastf1.api will be considered private in future releases and potentially be removed or changed.

Fetch and parse track status data.

Track status contains information on yellow/red/green flags, safety car and virtual safety car. It provides the following data channels per sample:

  • Time (datetime.timedelta): session timestamp (time only)

  • Status (str): contains track status changes as numeric values (described below)

  • Message (str): contains the same information as status but in easily understandable words (‘Yellow’, ‘AllClear’,…)

A new value is sent every time the track status changes.

Track status is indicated using single digit integer status codes (as string). List of known statuses:

  • ‘1’: Track clear (beginning of session or to indicate the end

    of another status)

  • ‘2’: Yellow flag (sectors are unknown)

  • ‘3’: ??? Never seen so far, does not exist?

  • ‘4’: Safety Car

  • ‘5’: Red Flag

  • ‘6’: Virtual Safety Car deployed

  • ‘7’: Virtual Safety Car ending (As indicated on the drivers steering wheel, on tv and so on; status ‘1’ will mark the actual end)

  • path (str) – api path base string (usually Session.api_path)

  • response – Response as returned by fetch_page() can be passed if it was downloaded already.

  • livedata – An instance of fastf1.livetiming.data.LiveTimingData to use as a source instead of the api


A dictionary containing one key for each data channel and a list of values per key.


SessionNotAvailableError – in case the F1 livetiming api returns no data

fastf1.api.session_status_data(path, response=None, livedata=None)[source]


fastf1.api will be considered private in future releases and potentially be removed or changed.

Fetch and parse session status data.

Session status contains information on when a session was started and when it ended (amongst others). It provides the following data channels per sample:

  • Time (datetime.timedelta): session timestamp (time only)

  • Status (str): status messages

A new value is sent every time the session status changes.

  • path (str) – api path base string (usually Session.api_path)

  • response – Response as returned by fetch_page() can be passed if it was downloaded already.

  • livedata – An instance of fastf1.livetiming.data.LiveTimingData to use as a source instead of the api


A dictionary containing one key for each data channel and a list of values per key.


SessionNotAvailableError – in case the F1 livetiming api returns no data

fastf1.api.race_control_messages(path, response=None, livedata=None)[source]


fastf1.api will be considered private in future releases and potentially be removed or changed.

Fetch and parse race control messages.

Race control messages are sent by race control to all teams to notify of decisions and statuses of the session.

Every message has the following attributes:

  • Utc: Message timestamp

  • Category (str): Type of message, “Other”, “Flag”, “Drs”, “CarEvent”

  • Message (str): Content of message

Other possible attributes are:

  • Status (str): Status of context, e.g. “DISABLED” for disabling DRS

  • Flag (str): Type of flag being waved “GREEN”, “RED”, “YELLOW”, “CLEAR”, “CHEQUERED”

  • Scope (str): Scope of message “Track”, “Sector”, “Driver”

  • Sector (int): Affected track sector for sector-scoped messages

  • RacingNumber (str): Affected driver for CarEvent messages

  • Lap (int): Number of the lap in which the message was displayed

  • path (str) – api path base string (usually Session.api_path)

  • response – Response as returned by fetch_page() can be passed if it was downloaded already.

  • livedata – An instance of fastf1.livetiming.data.LiveTimingData to use as a source instead of the api


A dictionary containing one key for each data channel and a list of values per key.


SessionNotAvailableError – in case the F1 livetiming api returns no data

fastf1.api.lap_count(path, response=None, livedata=None)[source]


fastf1.api will be considered private in future releases and potentially be removed or changed.

Fetch and parse lap count data.

It provides the following data channels per sample:
  • Time: session timestamp (time only)

  • TotalLaps (int): Intended number of total laps

  • CurrentLap (int): Current race lap

A value can have both ‘TotalLaps’ and ‘CurrentLap’ or only one of them.

A new value is sent every time a lap is completed or the intended number of laps changes.

  • path (str) – api path base string (usually Session.api_path)

  • response – Response as returned by fetch_page() can be passed if it was downloaded already.

  • livedata – An instance of fastf1.livetiming.data.LiveTimingData to use as a source instead of the api


A dictionary containing one key for each data channel and a list of values per key.


SessionNotAvailableError – in case the F1 livetiming api returns no data

fastf1.api.driver_info(path, response=None, livedata=None)[source]


fastf1.api will be considered private in future releases and potentially be removed or changed.

Fetch driver information.

Driver information contains the following information about each driver:

[‘RacingNumber’, ‘BroadcastName’, ‘FullName’, ‘Tla’, ‘Line’, ‘TeamName’, ‘TeamColour’, ‘FirstName’, ‘LastName’, ‘Reference’, ‘HeadshotUrl’, ‘CountryCode’]

  • path (str) – api path base string (usually Session.api_path)

  • response – Response as returned by fetch_page() can be passed if it was downloaded already.

  • livedata – An instance of fastf1.livetiming.data.LiveTimingData to use as a source instead of the api


A dictionary containing one entry for each driver with the drivers racing number as key


SessionNotAvailableError – in case the F1 livetiming api returns no data

fastf1.api.weather_data(path, response=None, livedata=None)[source]


fastf1.api will be considered private in future releases and potentially be removed or changed.

Fetch and parse weather data.

Weather data provides the following data channels per sample:

  • Time (datetime.timedelta): session timestamp (time only)

  • AirTemp (float): Air temperature [°C]

  • Humidity (float): Relative humidity [%]

  • Pressure (float): Air pressure [mbar]

  • Rainfall (bool): Shows if there is rainfall

  • TrackTemp (float): Track temperature [°C]

  • WindDirection (int): Wind direction [°] (0°-359°)

  • WindSpeed (float): Wind speed [m/s]

Weather data is updated once per minute.

  • path (str) – api path base string (usually Session.api_path)

  • response – Response as returned by fetch_page() can be passed if it was downloaded already.

  • livedata – An instance of fastf1.livetiming.data.LiveTimingData to use as a source instead of the api


A dictionary containing one key for each data channel and a list of values per key.


SessionNotAvailableError – in case the F1 live timing api returns no data

fastf1.api.fetch_page(path, name)[source]


fastf1.api will be considered private in future releases and potentially be removed or changed.

Fetch data from the formula1 livetiming web api, given url base path and page name. An attempt to parse json or decode known messages is made.

  • path (str) – api path base string (usually Session.api_path)

  • name (str) – page name (see api.pages for all known pages)


  • dictionary if content was json

  • list of entries if jsonStream, where each entry again contains two elements: [timestamp, content]. Content is parsed with parse() and will usually be a dictionary created from json data.

  • None if request failed

fastf1.api.parse(text, zipped=False)[source]


fastf1.api will be considered private in future releases and potentially be removed or changed.

Parse json and jsonStream as returned by livetiming.formula1.com

This function can only pass one data entry at a time, not a whole response. Timestamps and data need to be separated before and only the data must be passed as a string to be parsed.

  • text (str) – The string which should be parsed

  • zipped (bool) – Whether the text is compressed. This is the case for ‘.z’ data (e.g. position data)

Return type:

Union[str, dict]


Depending on data of which page is parsed
  • a dictionary created as a result of loading json data

  • a string


class fastf1.api.SessionNotAvailableError(*args)[source]

Raised if an api request returned no data for the requested session. A likely cause is that the session does not exist because it was cancelled.