Logging - fastf1.logger

FastF1 uses loggers for each submodule. All loggers are child loggers of FastF1’s base logger. The log level is usually configured equally for all parts of FastF1. The LoggingManager or the direct access functions should commonly be used for this.

Note to developers: some parts of FastF1’s data loading are wrapped in generic catch-all error handling to prevent errors in individual data loading tasks to make FastF1 completely unusable. Instead, unhandled exceptions will be caught, short error message is logged in level INFO, the full traceback is logged on level DEBUG and execution will continue as good as possible. This system can make debugging more difficult because errors are not raised. To circumvent this, there are two possible ways to disable the catch-all error handling for data loading:

Logging Manager

class fastf1.logger.LoggingManager[source]

Interface for configuring logging in FastF1.

All parts of FastF1 generally log at the log level ‘INFO’. The reason for this is that many data loading processes take multiple seconds to complete. Logging is used to give progress information as well as for showing warnings and non-terminal errors.

All submodule loggers in FastF1 are child loggers of the base logger. This class acts as an interface to set the log level for FastF1 and get child loggers.

debug = False

Flag for enabling debug mode. This will disable catch-all error handling for data loading methods.

classmethod get_child(name)[source]

Return a logger with the given name that is child of the base logger.


name (str) – name of the child logger

classmethod set_level(level)[source]

Set the log level for FastF1.


level (int) – log level, for example logging.INFO

Functions for direct access


Set the log level for all parts of FastF1.

When setting the log level for FastF1, only messages with this level or with a higher level will be shown.


level (Union[str, int]) – Either a log level from the logging module (e.g. logging.INFO) or the level as a string (e.g. ‘WARNING’).


Return a logger with the given name that is a child of FastF1’s base logger.

logger.soft_exceptions(msg, logger)

Wrapper method for wrapping any function into catch-all error handling that can be disabled by setting debug to True.

  • descr_name (str) – descriptive name for the type of data that should have been loaded by the wrapped function

  • msg (str) – Short message that is shown as error message to users

  • logger (Logger) – the logger that should be used to log errors (a logger instance as returned by get_logger(), for example).