Getting Started

This section offers various examples to get started with FastF1.

Example Plot

FastF1 is largely built on top of Pandas DataFrames and Series. But It adds its own convenient methods for working specifically with F1 data. This makes it much easier to get started and work with the data in general. Still, you have all the capabilities of Pandas at hand whenever you need them.

Let’s get started with a very simple script:

>>> import fastf1
>>> session = fastf1.get_session(2019, 'Monza', 'Q')
>>> session.load(telemetry=False, laps=False, weather=False)
>>> vettel = session.get_driver('VET')
>>> print(f"Pronto {vettel['FirstName']}?")
Pronto Sebastian?

For some more advanced stuff, it’s just a few more steps.

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import fastf1
import fastf1.plotting

fastf1.plotting.setup_mpl(misc_mpl_mods=False, color_scheme='fastf1')

session = fastf1.get_session(2019, 'Monza', 'Q')

fast_leclerc = session.laps.pick_drivers('LEC').pick_fastest()
lec_car_data = fast_leclerc.get_car_data()
t = lec_car_data['Time']
vCar = lec_car_data['Speed']

# The rest is just plotting
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(t, vCar, label='Fast')
ax.set_ylabel('Speed [Km/h]')
ax.set_title('Leclerc is')

(png, hires.png, pdf)
