Event Schedule - :mod:`fastf1.events`
The :class:`EventSchedule` provides information about past and upcoming
Formula 1 events.
An :class:`Event` can be a race weekend or a testing event. Each event
consists of multiple :class:`~fastf1.core.Session`\ s.
The event schedule objects are built on top of pandas'
:class:`pandas.DataFrame` (event schedule) and :class:`pandas.Series` (event).
Therefore, the usual methods of these pandas objects can be used in addition
to the special methods described here.
Event Schedule Data
The event schedule and each event provide the following information as
DataFrame columns or Series values:
- ``RoundNumber`` | :class:`int` |
The number of the championship round. This is unique for race
weekends, while testing events all share the round number zero.
- ``Country`` | :class:`str` | The country in which the event is held.
- ``Location`` | :class:`str` |
The event location; usually the city or region in which the track is
- ``OfficialEventName`` | :class:`str` |
The official event name as advertised, including sponsor names and stuff.
- ``EventName`` | :class:`str` |
A shorter event name usually containing the country or location but no
no sponsor names. This name is required internally for proper api access.
- ``EventDate`` | :class:`datetime` |
The events reference date and time. This is used mainly internally.
Usually, this is the same as the date of the last session.
- ``EventFormat`` | :class:`str` |
The format of the event. One of 'conventional', 'sprint', 'testing'.
- ``Session*`` | :class:`str` |
The name of the session. One of 'Practice 1', 'Practice 2', 'Practice 3',
'Qualifying', 'Sprint Qualifying' or 'Race'.
Testing sessions are considered practice.
``*`` denotes the number of
the session (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
- ``Session*Date`` | :class:`datetime` |
The date and time at which the session is scheduled to start or was
scheduled to start.
``*`` denotes the number of the session (1, 2, 3, 4, 5).
- ``F1ApiSupport`` | :class:`bool` |
Denotes whether this session is supported by the official F1 API.
Lap timing data and telemetry data can only be loaded if this is true.
Supported Seasons
FastF1 provides its own event schedule for the 2018 season and all later
seasons. The schedule for the all seasons before 2018 is built using data from
the Ergast API. Only limited data is available for these seasons. Usage of the
Ergast API can be enforced for all seasons, in which case the same limitations
apply for the more recent seasons too.
**Exact scheduled starting times for all sessions**:
Supported starting with the 2018 season.
Starting dates for sessions before 2018 (or when enforcing usage of the Ergast
API) assume that each race weekend was held according to the 'conventional'
schedule (Practice 1/2 on friday, Practice 3/Qualifying on Saturday, Race on
Sunday). A starting date and time can only be provided for the race session.
All other sessions are calculated from this and no starting times can be
provided for these. These assumptions will be incorrect for certain events!
**Testing events**: Supported for the 2020 season and later seasons. Not
supported if usage of the Ergast API is enforced.
Event Schedule
- 'conventional': Practice 1, Practice 2, Practice 3, Qualifying, Race
- 'sprint': Practice 1, Qualifying, Practice 2, Sprint, Race
- 'testing': no fixed session order; usually three practice sessions on
three separate days
.. _SessionIdentifier:
Session identifiers
Multiple event (schedule) related functions and methods make use of a session
identifier to differentiate between the various sessions of one event.
This identifier can currently be one of the following:
- session name abbreviation: ``'FP1', 'FP2', 'FP3', 'Q',
'SQ', 'R'``
- full session name: ``'Practice 1', 'Practice 2',
'Practice 3', 'Sprint Qualifying', 'Qualifying', 'Race'``;
provided names will be normalized, so that the name is
- number of the session: ``1, 2, 3, 4, 5``
Functions for accessing schedule data
The functions for accessing event schedule data are documented in
Data Objects
.. autosummary::
API Reference
.. autoclass:: EventSchedule
.. autoclass:: Event
""" # noqa: W605 invalid escape sequence (escaped space)
import collections
import datetime
import logging
import warnings
import dateutil.parser
with warnings.catch_warnings():
'ignore', message="Using slow pure-python SequenceMatcher"
# suppress that warning, it's confusing at best here, we don't need fast
# sequence matching and the installation (on windows) requires some effort
from thefuzz import fuzz
import pandas as pd
from fastf1.api import Cache
from fastf1.core import Session
import fastf1.ergast
from fastf1.utils import recursive_dict_get
'R': 'Race',
'Q': 'Qualifying',
'SQ': 'Sprint Qualifying',
'FP1': 'Practice 1',
'FP2': 'Practice 2',
'FP3': 'Practice 3'
_SCHEDULE_BASE_URL = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/" \
[docs]def get_session(year, gp, identifier=None, *, force_ergast=False, event=None):
"""Create a :class:`~fastf1.core.Session` object based on year, event name
and session identifier.
.. note:: This function will return a :class:`~fastf1.core.Session`
object, but it will not load any session specific data like lap timing,
telemetry, ... yet. For this, you will need to call
:func:`~fastf1.core.Session.load` on the returned object.
.. deprecated:: 2.2
Creating :class:`~fastf1.events.Event` objects (previously
:class:`fastf1.core.Weekend`) by not specifying an ``identifier`` has
been deprecated. Use :func:`get_event` instead.
.. deprecated:: 2.2
The argument ``event`` has been replaced with ``identifier`` to adhere
to new naming conventions.
.. deprecated:: 2.2
Testing sessions can no longer be created by specifying
``gp='testing'``. Use :func:`get_testing_session` instead. There is
**no grace period** for this change. This will stop working immediately
with the release of v2.2!
To get a testing session, use :func:`get_testing_session`.
Get the second free practice of the first race of 2021 by its session
name abbreviation::
>>> get_session(2021, 1, 'FP2')
Get the qualifying of the 2020 Austrian Grand Prix by full session
>>> get_session(2020, 'Austria', 'Qualifying')
Get the 3rd session if the 5th Grand Prix in 2021::
>>> get_session(2021, 5, 3)
year (int): Championship year
gp (number or string): Name as str or round number as int. If gp is
a string, a fuzzy match will be performed on all events and the
closest match will be selected.
Fuzzy matching uses country, location, name and officialName of
each event as reference.
Some examples that will be correctly interpreted: 'bahrain',
'australia', 'abudabi', 'monza'.
See :func:`get_event_by_name` for some further remarks on the
fuzzy matching.
identifier (str or int): see :ref:`SessionIdentifier`
force_ergast (bool): Always use data from the ergast database to
create the event schedule
event: deprecated; use identifier instead
if identifier and event:
raise ValueError("The arguments 'identifier' and 'event' are "
"mutually exclusive!")
if gp == 'testing':
raise DeprecationWarning('Accessing test sessions through '
'`get_session` has been deprecated!\nUse '
'`get_testing_session` instead.')
if event is not None:
warnings.warn("The keyword argument 'event' has been deprecated and "
"will be removed in a future version.\n"
"Use 'identifier' instead.", FutureWarning)
identifier = event
event = get_event(year, gp, force_ergast=force_ergast)
if identifier is None:
warnings.warn("Getting `Event` objects (previously `Session`) through "
"`get_session` has been deprecated.\n"
"Use `fastf1.get_event` instead.", FutureWarning)
return event # TODO: remove in v2.3
return event.get_session(identifier)
[docs]def get_testing_session(year, test_number, session_number):
"""Create a :class:`~fastf1.core.Session` object for testing sessions
based on year, test event number and session number.
year (int): Championship year
test_number (int): Number of the testing event (usually at most two)
session_number (int): Number of the session withing a specific testing
event. Each testing event usually has three sessions.
.. versionadded:: 2.2
event = get_testing_event(year, test_number)
return event.get_session(session_number)
[docs]def get_event(year, gp, *, force_ergast=False):
"""Create an :class:`~fastf1.events.Event` object for a specific
season and gp.
To get a testing event, use :func:`get_testing_event`.
year (int): Championship year
gp (int or str): Name as str or round number as int. If gp is
a string, a fuzzy match will be performed on all events and the
closest match will be selected.
Fuzzy matching uses country, location, name and officialName of
each event as reference.
Note that the round number cannot be used to get a testing event,
as all testing event are round 0!
force_ergast (bool): Always use data from the ergast database to
create the event schedule
.. versionadded:: 2.2
schedule = get_event_schedule(year=year, include_testing=False,
if type(gp) is str:
event = schedule.get_event_by_name(gp)
event = schedule.get_event_by_round(gp)
return event
[docs]def get_testing_event(year, test_number):
"""Create a :class:`fastf1.events.Event` object for testing sessions
based on year and test event number.
year (int): Championship year
test_number (int): Number of the testing event (usually at most two)
.. versionadded:: 2.2
schedule = get_event_schedule(year=year)
schedule = schedule[schedule.is_testing()]
assert test_number >= 1
return schedule.iloc[test_number-1]
except (IndexError, AssertionError):
raise ValueError(f"Test event number {test_number} does not exist")
[docs]def get_event_schedule(year, *, include_testing=True, force_ergast=False):
"""Create an :class:`~fastf1.events.EventSchedule` object for a specific
year (int): Championship year
include_testing (bool): Include or exclude testing sessions from the
event schedule.
force_ergast (bool): Always use data from the ergast database to
create the event schedule
.. versionadded:: 2.2
if ((year not in range(2018, datetime.datetime.now().year+1))
or force_ergast):
schedule = _get_schedule_from_ergast(year)
schedule = _get_schedule(year)
except Exception as exc:
logging.error(f"Failed to access primary schedule backend. "
f"Falling back to Ergast! Reason: {exc})")
schedule = _get_schedule_from_ergast(year)
if not include_testing:
schedule = schedule[~schedule.is_testing()]
return schedule
def _get_schedule(year):
response = Cache.requests_get(
_SCHEDULE_BASE_URL + f"schedule_{year}.json"
df = pd.read_json(response.text)
# change column names from snake_case to UpperCamelCase
col_renames = {col: ''.join([s.capitalize() for s in col.split('_')])
for col in df.columns}
df = df.rename(columns=col_renames)
schedule = EventSchedule(df, year=year, force_default_cols=True)
return schedule
def _get_schedule_from_ergast(year):
# create an event schedule using data from the ergast database
season = fastf1.ergast.fetch_season(year)
data = collections.defaultdict(list)
for rnd in season:
recursive_dict_get(rnd, 'Circuit', 'Location', 'country')
recursive_dict_get(rnd, 'Circuit', 'Location', 'locality')
date = pd.to_datetime(
f"{rnd.get('date', '')}T{rnd.get('time', '')}",
except dateutil.parser.ParserError:
date = pd.NaT
# add sessions by assuming a 'conventional' and unchanged schedule
# only date but not time can be assumed for non race sessions,
# therefore .floor to daily resolution
data['Session1'].append('Practice 1')
data['Session1Date'].append(date.floor('D') - pd.Timedelta(days=2))
data['Session2'].append('Practice 2')
data['Session2Date'].append(date.floor('D') - pd.Timedelta(days=2))
data['Session3'].append('Practice 3')
data['Session3Date'].append(date.floor('D') - pd.Timedelta(days=1))
data['Session4Date'].append(date.floor('D') - pd.Timedelta(days=1))
data['F1ApiSupport'].append(True if year >= 2018 else False)
# simplified; this is only true most of the time
df = pd.DataFrame(data)
schedule = EventSchedule(df, year=year, force_default_cols=True)
return schedule
[docs]class EventSchedule(pd.DataFrame):
"""This class implements a per-season event schedule.
This class is usually not instantiated directly. You should use
:func:`get_event_schedule` to get an event schedule for a specific
*args: passed on to :class:`pandas.DataFrame` superclass
year (int): Championship year
force_default_cols (bool): Enforce that all default columns and only
the default columns exist
**kwargs: passed on to :class:`pandas.DataFrame` superclass
(except 'columns' which is unsupported for the event schedule)
.. versionadded:: 2.2
'RoundNumber': int,
'Country': str,
'Location': str,
'OfficialEventName': str,
'EventDate': 'datetime64[ns]',
'EventName': str,
'EventFormat': str,
'Session1': str,
'Session1Date': 'datetime64[ns]',
'Session2': str,
'Session2Date': 'datetime64[ns]',
'Session3': str,
'Session3Date': 'datetime64[ns]',
'Session4': str,
'Session4Date': 'datetime64[ns]',
'Session5': str,
'Session5Date': 'datetime64[ns]',
'F1ApiSupport': bool
_metadata = ['year']
_internal_names = ['base_class_view']
def __init__(self, *args, year=0, force_default_cols=False, **kwargs):
if force_default_cols:
kwargs['columns'] = list(self._COL_TYPES)
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.year = year
# apply column specific dtypes
for col, _type in self._COL_TYPES.items():
if col not in self.columns:
if self[col].isna().all():
if _type == 'datetime64[ns]':
self[col] = pd.NaT
self[col] = _type()
self[col] = self[col].astype(_type)
def __repr__(self):
return self.base_class_view.__repr__()
def _constructor(self):
def _new(*args, **kwargs):
return EventSchedule(*args, **kwargs).__finalize__(self)
return _new
def _constructor_sliced(self):
def _new(*args, **kwargs):
return Event(*args, **kwargs).__finalize__(self)
return _new
def base_class_view(self):
"""For a nicer debugging experience; can view DataFrame through
this property in various IDEs"""
return pd.DataFrame(self)
[docs] def is_testing(self):
"""Return `True` or `False`, depending on whether each event is a
testing event."""
return pd.Series(self['EventFormat'] == 'testing')
[docs] def get_event_by_round(self, round):
"""Get an :class:`Event` by its round number.
round (int): The round number
ValueError: The round does not exist in the event schedule
if round == 0:
raise ValueError("Cannot get testing event by round number!")
mask = self['RoundNumber'] == round
if not mask.any():
raise ValueError(f"Invalid round: {round}")
return self[mask].iloc[0]
[docs] def get_event_by_name(self, name):
"""Get an :class:`Event` by its name.
A fuzzy match is performed to find the event that best matches the
given name. Fuzzy matching is performed using the country, location,
name and officialName of each event. This is not guaranteed to return
the correct result. You should therefore always check if the function
actually returns the event you had wanted.
.. warning:: You should avoid adding common words to ``name`` to avoid
false string matches.
For example, you should rather use "Belgium" instead of "Belgian
Grand Prix" as ``name``.
name (str): The name of the event. For example,
``.get_event_by_name("british")`` and
``.get_event_by_name("silverstone")`` will both return the
event for the British Grand Prix.
def _matcher_strings(ev):
strings = list()
if 'Location' in ev:
if 'Country' in ev:
if 'EventName' in ev:
strings.append(ev['EventName'].replace("Grand Prix", ""))
if 'OfficialEventName' in ev:
.replace("FORMULA 1", "")
.replace(str(self.year), "")
.replace("GRAND PRIX", ""))
return strings
max_ratio = 0
index = 0
for i, event in self.iterrows():
ratio = max(
[fuzz.ratio(val.casefold(), name.casefold())
for val in _matcher_strings(event)]
if ratio > max_ratio:
max_ratio = ratio
index = i
return self.loc[index]
[docs]class Event(pd.Series):
"""This class represents a single event (race weekend or testing event).
Each event consists of one or multiple sessions, depending on the type
of event and depending on the event format.
This class is usually not instantiated directly. You should use
:func:`get_event` or similar to get a specific event.
year (int): Championship year
_metadata = ['year']
_internal_names = ['date', 'gp']
def __init__(self, *args, year=None, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.year = year
self._getattr_override = True # TODO: remove in v2.3
def _constructor(self):
def _new(*args, **kwargs):
return Event(*args, **kwargs).__finalize__(self)
return _new
def __getattribute__(self, name):
# TODO: remove in v2.3
if name == 'name' and getattr(self, '_getattr_override', False):
if 'EventName' in self:
"The `Weekend.name` property is deprecated and will be"
"removed in a future version.\n"
"Use `Event['EventName']` or `Event.EventName` instead.",
# name may be accessed by pandas internals to, when data
# does not exist yet
return self['EventName']
return super().__getattribute__(name)
def __repr__(self):
# don't show .name deprecation message when .name is accessed internally
with warnings.catch_warnings():
message=r".*property is deprecated.*")
return super().__repr__()
def date(self):
"""Event race date (YYYY-MM-DD)
This wraps ``self['EventDate'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')``
.. deprecated:: 2.2
use :attr:`Event.EventDate` or :attr:`Event['EventDate']` and
use :func:`datetime.datetime.strftime` to format the desired
string representation of the datetime object
warnings.warn("The `Weekend.date` property is deprecated and will be"
"removed in a future version.\n"
"Use `Event['EventDate']` or `Event.EventDate` instead.",
return self['EventDate'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
def gp(self):
"""Event round number
.. deprecated:: 2.2
use :attr:`Event.eventNumber` or :attr:`Event['eventNumber']`
warnings.warn("The `Weekend.gp` property is deprecated and will be"
"removed in a future version.\n"
"Use `Event['RoundNumber']` or `Event.RoundNumber` "
"instead.", FutureWarning)
return self['RoundNumber']
[docs] def is_testing(self):
"""Return `True` or `False`, depending on whether this event is a
testing event."""
return self['EventFormat'] == 'testing'
[docs] def get_session_name(self, identifier):
"""Return the full session name of a specific session from this event.
>>> import fastf1
>>> event = fastf1.get_event(2021, 1)
>>> event.get_session_name(3)
'Practice 3'
>>> event.get_session_name('Q')
>>> event.get_session_name('praCtice 1')
'Practice 1'
identifier (str or int): see :ref:`SessionIdentifier`
ValueError: No matching session or invalid identifier
num = float(identifier)
except ValueError:
# by name or abbreviation
for name in _SESSION_TYPE_ABBREVIATIONS.values():
if identifier.casefold() == name.casefold():
session_name = name
session_name = \
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(f"Invalid session type '{identifier}'")
if session_name not in self.values:
raise ValueError(f"No session of type '{identifier}' for "
f"this event")
# by number
if (float(num).is_integer()
and (num := int(num)) in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)):
session_name = self[f'Session{num}']
raise ValueError(f"Invalid session type '{num}'")
if not session_name:
raise ValueError(f"Session number {num} does not "
f"exist for this event")
return session_name
[docs] def get_session_date(self, identifier):
"""Return the date and time (if available) at which a specific session
of this event is or was held.
identifier (str or int): see :ref:`SessionIdentifier`
ValueError: No matching session or invalid identifier
session_name = self.get_session_name(identifier)
relevant_columns = self.loc[['Session1', 'Session2', 'Session3',
'Session4', 'Session5']]
mask = (relevant_columns == session_name)
if not mask.any():
raise ValueError(f"Session type '{identifier}' does not exist "
f"for this event")
_name = mask.idxmax()
return self[f"{_name}Date"]
[docs] def get_session(self, identifier):
"""Return a session from this event.
identifier (str or int): see :ref:`SessionIdentifier`
:class:`Session` instance
ValueError: No matching session or invalid identifier
num = float(identifier)
except ValueError:
# by name or abbreviation
session_name = self.get_session_name(identifier)
if session_name not in self.values:
raise ValueError(f"No session of type '{identifier}' for "
f"this event")
# by number
if (float(num).is_integer()
and (num := int(num)) in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)):
session_name = self[f'Session{num}']
raise ValueError(f"Invalid session type '{num}'")
if not session_name:
raise ValueError(f"Session number {num} does not "
f"exist for this event")
return Session(event=self, session_name=session_name,
[docs] def get_race(self):
"""Return the race session.
:class:`Session` instance
return self.get_session('Race')
[docs] def get_qualifying(self):
"""Return the qualifying session.
:class:`Session` instance
return self.get_session('Qualifying')
[docs] def get_sprint(self):
"""Return the sprint session.
:class:`Session` instance
return self.get_session('Sprint Qualifying')
[docs] def get_practice(self, number):
"""Return the specified practice session.
number: 1, 2 or 3 - Free practice session number
:class:`Session` instance
return self.get_session(f'Practice {number}')